A BIT confused? Click here to read about different types of bits!

  • Description

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of different bits on the market. Korsteel sells more than 160 of them!

As fellow horse people, we know that deciding which bit is best for your horse and chosen discipline can be a confusing and frustrating process. To assist you, we have put together "A Bit Confused?" to explain how the different cheek types, mouthpieces and materials work so you can more quickly find the right combination to meet your horse’s needs and preferences.

There is no one perfect bit for every horse, which is why there are so many different styles available. But the best choice for your individual horse provides maximum communication and comfort.

And there are other considerations, too: If you choose to compete, the bit you use must conform to various association rules for your discipline, and those rules can change.

We hope "A Bit Confused?" makes the process of sifting through the hundreds of bits in tack shops, catalogs, online and in your own tack room a little less daunting.

But our main goal is to find the bit that makes your horse most happy!